Edmonds, Ethan2015-09-082015-09-082013-08https://hdl.handle.net/2144/12986Poster presentation at REU Summer's End Research Symposium, 2013, by REU participant Ethan Edmonds, SUNY Oneonta - Bjoern Reinhard group, Amin Feizpour lab mentor.In metals, the quanta of oscillations of electrons is referred to as a plasmon. In a situation where two plasmons are nearby, oscillations can occur between the spheres in a process called plasmon coupling. The closer the spheres are to each other, the stronger this force will be. This is the main idea used in plasmon coupling microscopy. A clear correlation between surface charge of gold nanoparticles and their interactions with virus particles was found. The Reinhard lab plans to continue to research this and eventually map the surface charge of the virus particles, which is an important factor in virus-cell interactions.en-USCC0 1.0 Universalhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/2013 REU Poster: Investigating the Surface Charge of HIV-1 Virus-like Particles Using Plasmonic NanoparticlesPresentation