Hogge, Taylor2021-10-142021-10-142021https://hdl.handle.net/2144/43148From left to right, the columns list the clump designations, which also indicate the intensity-weighted Galactic coordinates, the physical radii, the errors on the physical radii, the velocity dispersions, the errors on the velocity dispersions, the clump masses, the errors on the clump masses, the virial masses, the errors on the virial masses, the virial parameters, the errors on the virial parameters, and the evolutionary states.The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey (RAMPS) has detected 2,680 molecular clumps and characterized their properties. I utilized the derived clump properties to test the gravitational stability of a subsample of 314 molecular clumps using a virial analysis. This data set provides the relevant properties for this subsample and the results of the virial analysis.en-USMolecular clumpsVirial AnalysisRAMPS Virial Analysis sampleDataset