Lun, Desmond S.Sherrid, AshleyWeiner, BrianSherman, David R.Galagan, James E.2012-01-092012-01-0920092009-12-22Lun, Desmond S, Ashley Sherrid, Brian Weiner, David R Sherman, James E Galagan. "A Blind Deconvolution Approach to High-Resolution Mapping of Transcription Factor Binding Sites from ChIP-Seq Data" Genome Biology 10(12):R142. (2009)1465-6914 is a novel method for determining the location of transcription factor binding from ChIP-seq data that discriminates closely-spaced sites. We present CSDeconv, a computational method that determines locations of transcription factor binding from ChIP-seq data. CSDeconv differs from prior methods in that it uses a blind deconvolution approach that allows closely-spaced binding sites to be called accurately. We apply CSDeconv to novel ChIP-seq data for DosR binding in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and to existing data for GABP in humans and show that it can discriminate binding sites separated by as few as 40 bp.enCopyright 2009 Lun et al.; licensee Biomed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Blind Deconvolution Approach to High-Resolution Mapping of Transcription Factor Binding Sites from ChIP-Seq DataArticle10.1186/gb-2009-10-12-r142200285422812949