Lim, Linus2015-09-042015-09-042014-08 presentation at REU Summer's End Research Symposium, 2014, by International REU participant Linus Lim, National University of Singapore - James Panek group, Bin Cai lab mentor.Myxopyronin A and B was first isolated in the early 1980s from the bacteria Myxococcus fulvus. These molecules possess a single stereocenter with a (R) – configuration. The ability to inhibit the growth of several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and to selectively target bacteria RNA polymerase over human polymerase makes Myxopyronin a molecule worth studying. This project approaches the total synthesis of Myxopyronin via racemic and asymmetric routes.en-USCC0 1.0 Universal REU Poster: Total Synthesis of MyxopyroninPresentation