Seytono, Beatrix2015-09-092015-09-092014-08 presentation at REU Summer's End Research Symposium, 2014, by REU participant Beatrix Seytono, Calhoun Community College - Bjoern Reinhard group, Amin Feizpour lab mentor.Phosphatidylserine(PS) and monosialotetrahexosylganglioside(GM1) are examples of two host-derived lipids in the membrane of enveloped virus particles that are known to contribute to virus attachment, uptake, and ultimately dissemination. We learn the binding infinity of PS and GM1 lipid by using gold nanoparticle (GNP) since it is stable and conductive. Besides, changing concentration of lipid on the virus can control how the virus infective. The performed studies can use identify unknown concentration of lipid.en-USCC0 1.0 Universal REU Poster: Quantifying Lipid Contents In Liposomes with Enveloped Plasmonic NanoparticlesPresentation