Xu, WenqingBrown, Lauren E.Porco, John A.2022-12-082022-12-082021-12-03W. Xu, L.E. Brown, J.A. Porco. 2021. "Divergent, C-C Bond Forming Macrocyclizations Using Modular Sulfonylhydrazone and Derived Substrates." Journal of Organic Chemistry, Volume 86, Issue 23, pp.16485-16510. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.1c018480022-32631520-6904https://hdl.handle.net/2144/45373A divergent approach to C-C bond forming macrocycle construction is described. Modular sulfonylhydrazone and derived pyridotriazole substrates with three key building blocks have been constructed and cyclized to afford diverse macrocyclic frameworks. Broad substrate scope and functional group tolerance have been demonstrated. In addition, site-selective postfunctionalization allowed for further diversification of macrocyclic cores.p. 16485-16510Print-Electronicen-USMedicinal and biomolecular chemistryOrganic chemistryDivergent, C-C bond forming macrocyclizations using modular sulfonylhydrazone and derived substratesArticle10.1021/acs.joc.1c018480000-0001-9489-484X (Brown, Lauren E)0000-0002-2991-5680 (Porco, John A)644739