Science Day 2011
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Item Participation in Self-Collection of Maternal and Infant DNA in a Case-Control Study on Clubfoot(2011-07-21) Yazdy, Mahsa; Werler, MarthaItem Long-Range Fiber Transmission of Optical Vortices(2011-07-21) Bozinovic, Nenad; Kristensen, Poul; Ramachandran, SiddharthWe use specialty fiber (“vortex fiber”), to create and propagate orbital angular momentum states over ~kilometer lengths in telecom band (~1550nm). The spiral phase structure of the vortex beams was confirmed by interference with a Gaussian reference. This result is an important step toward achieving long-range classical and quantum communication links using orbital angular momentum of light.Item Assessing the Oral Health Needs of Public Housing Residents(2011-07-21) Garibyan, Ilya; Henshaw, Michelle; Ghulam, AyeshaObjectives: “Tooth Smart Healthy Start” is a randomized clinical trial which aims to reduce the incidence of early childhood caries (ECC) in Boston public housing residents as part of the NIH funded Northeast Center for Research to Evaluate and Eliminate Dental Disparities. The purpose of this project was to assess public housing stakeholders' perception of the oral health needs of public housing residents and their interest in replicating “Tooth Smart Healthy Start” in other public housing sites across the nation. Methods: The target population was the 180 attendees of the 2010 meeting of the Health Care for Residents of Public Housing National Conference. A ten question survey which assessed conference attendees' beliefs about oral health and its importance to public housing residents was distributed. Data was analyzed using SAS 9.1. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each variable and results were stratified by participants' roles. Results: Thirty percent of conference attendees completed the survey. The participants consisted of residents, agency representatives, and housing authority personnel. When asked to rank health issues facing public housing residents, oral health was rated as most important (42%) or top three (16%) by residents. The agency representatives and housing authority personnel rated oral health among the top three (33% and 58% respectively) and top five (36% and 25% respectively). When participants ranked the three greatest resident health needs out of eight choices, oral health was the most common response. Majority of the participants expressed interest in replicating the “Tooth Smart Healthy Start” program at their sites. Conclusion: All stakeholder groups identified oral health as one of the greatest health needs of residents in public housing. Furthermore, if shown to reduce ECC, there is significant interest in implementing the program amongst key public housing stakeholders across the nation.Item X-ray Diffraction Tomographic Imaging and Reconstruction(2011-07-21) Chen, Ke; Castañón, DavidMaterial discrimination based on conventional or dual energy X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging can be ambiguous. X-ray diffraction imaging (XDI) can be used to construct diffraction profiles of objects, providing new molecular signature information that can be used to characterize the presence of specific materials. Combining X-ray CT and diffraction imaging can lead to enhanced detection and identification of explosives in luggage screening. In this work we are investigating techniques for joint reconstruction of CT absorption and X-ray diffraction profile images of objects to achieve improved image quality and enhanced material classification. The initial results have been validated via simulation of X-ray absorption and coherent scattering in 2 dimensions.Item Factorization in the Cloud: Integer Factorization Using F# and Windows Azure(2011-07-21) Shaffer, Ryan; Temkin, AnatolyImplementations are presented of two common algorithms for integer factorization, Pollard’s “p – 1” method and the SQUFOF method. The algorithms are implemented in the F# language, a functional programming language developed by Microsoft and officially released for the first time in 2010. The algorithms are thoroughly tested on a set of large integers (up to 64 bits in size), running both on a physical machine and a Windows Azure machine instance. Analysis of the relative performance between the two environments indicates comparable performance when taking into account the difference in computing power. Further analysis reveals that the relative performance of the Azure implementation tends to improve as the magnitudes of the integers increase, indicating that such an approach may be suitable for larger, more complex factorization tasks. Finally, several questions are presented for future research, including the performance of F# and related languages for more efficient, parallelizable algorithms, and the relative cost and performance of factorization algorithms in various environments, including physical hardware and commercial cloud computing offerings from the various vendors in the industry.Item Priority-Based Synchronization of Distributed Data(2011-07-21) Jin, Jiaxi; Trachtenberg, Ari; Starobinski, DavidWe consider the general problem of synchronizing the data on two devices using a minimum amount of communication, a core infrastructural requirement for a large variety of distributed systems. Our approach considers the interactive synchronization of prioritized data, where, for example, certain information is more time-sensitive than other information. We propose and analyze a new scheme for efficient priority-based synchronization, which promises benefits over conventional synchronization.Item Large Decrease of Fluctuations for Supercooled Water in Hydrophobic Nanoconfinement(2011-07-21) Strekalova, Elena; Mazza, Marco; Stanley, H. Eugene; Franzese, GiancarloUsing Monte Carlo simulations we study a coarsegrained model of a water layer confined in a fixed disordered matrix of hydrophobic nanoparticles at different particle concentrations c. For c = 0 we find a 1st order liquidliquid phase transition (LLPT) ending in one critical point at low pressure P. For c > 0 our simulations are consistent with a LLPT line ending in two critical points at low and high pressure. For c = 25% at high P and low temperature T we find a dramatic decrease of compressibility, thermal expansion coefficient, and specific heat. Surprisingly, the effect is present also for c as low as 2.4%. We conclude that even a small presence of nanoscopic hydrophobes can drastically suppress thermodynamic fluctuations, making the detection of the LLPT more difficult.Item Safe Compositional Network Sketches: NetSketch Tool Implementation(2011-07-21) Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, AndreiNumerous problems exist that can be modeled as traffic through a network in which constraints exist to regulate flow. Vehicular road travel, computer networks, and cloud based resource distribution, among others all have natural representations in this manner. As these networks grow in size and/or complexity, analysis and certification of the safety invariants becomes increasingly costly. The NetSketch formalism introduces a lightweight verification framework that allows for greater scalability than traditional analysis methods. The NetSketch tool was developed to provide the power of this formalism in an easy to use and intuitive user interface.Item Asynchronous auction for distributed nonlinear resource allocation problem(2011-07-21) Bangla, Ajay Kumar; Castañón, DavidResource Allocation Problems (RAPs) are concerned with the optimal allocation of resources to tasks. Problems in fields such as search theory, statistics, finance, economics, logistics, sensor & wireless networks fit this formulation. In literature, several centralized/synchronous algorithms have been proposed including recently proposed auction algorithm, RAP Auction. Here we present asynchronous implementation of RAP Auction for distributed RAPs.Item Pricing Algorithms For a Two-sided Internet Advertisement Market(2011-07-21) Akinwumi, Joseph; Byers, John; Terzi, EvimariaThe Google AdSense Program is a successful internet advertisement program where Google places contextual adverts on third-party websites and shares the resulting revenue with each publisher. Advertisers have budgets and bid on ad slots while publishers set reserve prices for the ad slots on their websites. Following previous modelling efforts, we model the program as a two-sided market with advertisers on one side and publishers on the other. We show a reduction from the Generalised Assignment Problem (GAP) to the problem of computing the revenue maximising allocation and pricing of publisher slots under a first-price auction. GAP is APX-hard but a (1-1/e) approximation is known. We compute truthful and revenue-maximizing prices and allocation of ad slots to advertisers under a second-price auction. The auctioneer's revenue is within (1-1/e) second-price optimal.Item B Cell Activation in Insulin Resistance and Obesity(2011-07-21) Mehta, Ankeeta; Liang, YanMei; Zhang, Jeanette; Gokce, Noyan; Apovian, Caroline M.; McDonnell, Marie; Ganley-Leal, LisaOur group has demonstrated that inflammatory diseases such as type 2 diabetes (DM), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and periodontal disease (PD) are associated with altered B cell function that may contribute to disease pathogenesis. B cells were found to be highly activated with characteristics of inflammatory cells. Obesity is a pre-disease state for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and is considered a state of chronic inflammation. Therefore, we sought to better characterize B cell function and phenotype in obese patients. We demonstrate that (Toll-like receptor) TLR4 and CD36 expression by B cells is elevated in obese subjects, suggesting increased sensing of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and other TLR ligands. These ligands may be of microbial, from translocation from a leaky gut, or host origin. To better assess microbial ligand burden and host response in the bloodstream, we measured LPS binding protein (LBP), bacterial/permeability increasing protein (BPI), and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1). Thus far, our data demonstrate an increase in LBP in DM and obesity indicating increased responses to TLR ligands in the blood. Interestingly, B cells responded to certain types of LPS by phosphorylating extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK) 1/2. A better understanding of the immunological state of obesity and the microbial and endogenous TLR ligands that may be activating B cells will help identify novel therapeutics to reduce the risk of more dangerous conditions, such as cardiovascular disease.Item Camera Canvas: Image Editing Software for People with Disabilities(2011-07-21) Kwan, Christopher; Betke, MargritWe developed Camera Canvas, photo editing and picture drawing software for individuals who cannot use their hands to operate a computer mouse. Camera Canvas is designed for use with camera- based mouse-replacement interfaces that allow a user with severe motion impairments to control the mouse pointer by moving his or her head in front of a web camera. To make Camera Canvas accessible to as wide of a range of movement abilities as possible, we designed its user interface so that it can be extensively tailored to meet individual user needs. We conducted studies with users without disabilities, who used Camera Canvas with the mouse-replacement input system Camera Mouse. The studies showed that Camera Canvas is easy to understand and use, even for participants without prior experience with the Camera Mouse. An experiment with a participant with severe cerebral palsy and quadriplegia showed that he was able to use some but not all of the functionality of Camera Canvas. Ongoing work includes conducting additional user studies and improving the software based on feedback.Item Exploiting Phonological Constraints for Handshape Inference in ASL Video(2011-07-20) Thangali, Ashwin; Nash, Joan; Sclaroff, Stan; Neidle, CarolHandshape is a key articulatory parameter in sign language, and thus handshape recognition from signing video is essential for sign recognition and retrieval. Handshape transitions within monomorphemic lexical signs (the largest class of signs in signed languages) are governed by phonological rules. For example, such transitions normally involve either closing or opening of the hand (i.e., to exclusively use either folding or unfolding of the palm and one or more fingers). Furthermore, akin to allophonic variations in spoken languages, both inter- and intra- signer variations in the production of specific handshapes are observed. We propose a Bayesian network formulation to exploit handshape co-occurrence constraints, also utilizing information about allophonic variations to aid in handshape recognition. We propose a fast non-rigid image alignment method to gain improved robustness to handshape appearance variations during computation of observation likelihoods in the Bayesian network. We evaluate our handshape recognition approach on a large dataset of monomorphemic lexical signs. We demonstrate that leveraging linguistic constraints on handshapes results in improved handshape recognition accuracy. As part of the overall project, we are collecting and preparing for dissemination a large corpus (three thousand signs from three native signers) of American Sign Language (ASL) video. The video have been annotated using SignStream® [Neidle et al.] with labels for linguistic information such as glosses, morphological properties and variations, and start/end handshapes associated with each ASL sign.Item Iterative Linearized Density Matrix Propagation for Modeling Coherent Energy Transfer in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting(American Institute of Physics, 2010-11) Huo, Pengfei; Coker, David F.We present results of calculations [1] that employ a new mixed quantum classical iterative density matrix propagation approach (ILDM , or so called Is‐Landmap) [2] to explore the survival of coherence in different photo synthetic models. Our model studies confirm the long lived quantum coherence , while conventional theoretical tools (such as Redfield equation) fail to describe these phenomenon [3,4]. Our ILDM method is a numerical exactly propagation scheme and can be served as a bench mark calculation tools[2]. Result get from ILDM and from other recent methods have been compared and show agreement with each other[4,5]. Long lived coherence plateau has been attribute to the shift of harmonic potential due to the system bath interaction, and the harvesting efficiency is a balance between the coherence and dissipation[1]. We use this approach to investigate the excitation energy transfer dynamics in various light harvesting complex include Fenna‐Matthews‐Olsen light harvesting complex[1] and Cryptophyte Phycocyanin 645 [6]. [1] P.Huo and D.F.Coker ,J. Chem. Phys. 133, 184108 (2010) . [2] E.R. Dunkel, S. Bonella, and D.F. Coker, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 114106 (2008). [3] A. Ishizaki and G.R. Fleming, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 234111 (2009). [4] A. Ishizaki and G.R. Fleming, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106, 17255 (2009). [5] G. Tao and W.H. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 891 (2010). [6] P.Huo and D.F.Coker in preparationItem Sleep Patterns in Elementary School Children (Grades 2-5) and Adolescents (Grade 10)(2011-07-20) Cattry, Deepika; Stavitsky, Karina; Au, RhodaBackground: To date, there is limited research examining sleep patterns in elementary school children. Previous researchers focused on parental responses rather than student responses to determine factors that affect sleep. The presented study surveyed sleep patterns and examined external factors affecting total sleep time among elementary school children and adolescents. Methods: Students in grades 2-5 (n=885) and grade 10 (n=190) enrolled in a public school system in the Northeast, completed a district administered survey that included questions on sleep duration and hygiene. Results. Average reported sleep duration decreased with increasing grade level. Children in grades 2-5 woke up earlier (31.7-72.4%) and on their own in comparison to adolescents in grade 10 (6.8%). Significantly shorter sleep durations were associated with having a television (grades 2, 4, 5, p< 0.01) or a cell phone in the room (grades 3, 4; p < 0.05), playing on the computer or video games (grades 3, 4, p<.001) before going to bed. In contrast, students in grade 2, 3, & 4 who reported reading a book before going to bed slept on average 21 minutes more per night (p=.029, .007, .009, respectively). For tenth graders, only consumption of energy drinks led to significant reduction in sleep duration (p<.0001). Conclusion. Sleep is a fundamental aspect in maintaining a healthy and adequate life style. Understanding sleep patterns will assist parents, health care providers, and educators in promoting quality sleep hygiene in school-aged children.