Data for autonomous discovery of tough structures
Metadata for all experiments
Metadata for each filament roll
Instron files for experiments 1-4999
Instron files for experiments 5000-9999
Instron files for experiments 10000-14999
Snapp, Kelsey L.
Verdier, Benjamin
Gongora, Aldair
Silverman, Samuel
Adesiji, Adedire D.
Morgan, Elise F.
Lawton, Timothy J.
Whiting, Emily
Brown, Keith A.
OA Version
This dataset contains the experimental data for the research paper "Autonomous Discovery of Tough Structure" which is currently in the peer review process.
The document contains the record of physical experiments performed over the course of two years by a self-driving lab called the BEAR (Bayesian Autonomous Experimental Researcher). The BEAR consists of five FFF 3d printers, a scale, and an Instron. A UR5 robot arm moves samples for testing.
Dataset.csv contains all of the metadata for each experiment, such as design parameters, filament information, and other important data. Importantly, the column labeled "Valid" signifies whether the experiment was considered successful and used to train the model. If the part was excluded, the reason for exclusion is notified by the subsequent columns.
For each experiment, the Instron file which contains the time, force, and displacement for the physical test is included. NOTE that not every part will have an associated Instron file, as some parts were not tested. The format of the file is:
where # is the ID number of the part that you are interested in.
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